“Adoption wasn’t our family’s opportunity to save a child. It was a chance to see Jesus as the hero.”

John Richardson, Adoptive Parent

Adoption through foster care:

Although, it is always the primary goal of the Court to reunify children in foster care with their birth parents,  there are times this is not possible. If the birth parents are unable to provide a safe home to their children and their is no extended family members able or appropriate to care for the children, the Court often changes the goal to adoption. Adoption is a legal process in which the children legally become part of another family. Foster to adopt means the child or children is first placed your home on a temporary basis, as a foster child.  If the child become legally free to be adopted, the Court considers the foster parents as possible adoptive parents. The Court has. To ensure that this situation is in the best interest of the child but many times the foster parents are approved to adopt their foster child.

Adoption through DFPS:

Once a birth parent’s paternal rights have been terminated through the Court, the child or children become legally free for adoption. Sometimes the current foster parents are considered to adopt the child or children but this is not always the case. There are situations in which the foster parents are not able to adopt or this situation is not considered in the best interest of the child or children. Individuals and couples are able to be approved by the state to adopt children who are currently in foster care. This can be a long process of matching the child or children to an individual or family who can best meet their needs. Often times the child or children will visit with and then stay with the adoptive family for a trial period to make sure the placement is best for everyone. Once the child or children are officially placed in their adoptive home, the Court will make the adoption legal after six months.

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