These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. —Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Welcome to Mother’s Day Out! We love children and believe in family values and that as Christians, we are responsible to help our parents guide their children in God’s ways. We are a Bible-based ministry of Harmony Hill Baptist Church, where we believe children are a priority. By using WEE LEARN Curriculum and other developmental activities, we encourage social, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. Through this program, children interact with friends and teachers, and age-appropriate learning opportunities are developed.
$100 registration fee for the year
$170/month for first child
$150/month for additional children
Withdrawal from the program requires a 30-day written notification.
Tuesdays & Thursdays
MDO – Newborn thru age 4
MDO + – K5 thru 5th grade
Bible stories
Indoor/outdoor playgrounds
WEE Learn curriculum
2024-2025 Registration
Registration is now open. We are looking forward to another great year!
Our Teachers
Our teachers are Christians and meet approval of HHBC staff. The hiring process includes a criminal background check. Our employees are required to earn training hours and remain current with CPR certification.
Drop-off and Pick-up
At 8:55 a.m. the MDO entrance door will be open for sign-in/drop-off. The same door will be opened at 2:20 p.m. to allow all parents into the building for sign-out/pick-up. Please do not bring children to classroom before 8:55 a.m. as teachers are preparing for the day.
What to bring
Please bring a change of clothes (for all ages) and enough pull-ups or diapers for the day.
Infants – Please bring their milk or formula and any food they will need for the day. Moms, you have the right to breastfeed or send breast milk for your baby. We have a mother’s room set up for your privacy. Make sure all bottles and cups are clearly labeled with each child’s name.
Children 12 months and up – You are responsible to bring them a meal and drink with a no-spill cup. Please label all personal items with their names. Please do not send carbonated drinks, red, purple or high sugar drinks. Please be sure all food is prepared in bite-sized pieces ready for your child to eat.
Children in preschool classes – Please bring a nap mat for rest time. We ask that you do not allow your child to bring toys from home, except for special event days when your child is asked to bring them. A comfort item such as a teddy bear or blanket for nap time is acceptable.
Bad weather
MDO follows its own schedule for bad weather. If there is a question of MDO. being in session because of bad weather, please check our Facebook page, text or email for information. During the day, while MDO is in session, we will call the parents if we feel it is too dangerous to remain open.
Holidays and Parties
If you wish to share your child’s birthday with the class by bringing a snack for snack time, you are welcome to do so. We recommend fruit or cookies as they are easy for children to handle and are less messy. In order that each child receives a treat, speak with the teacher ahead of time so they can let you know how many children will be there that day. We will send a notice home with your child when parties are planned so that all the children may participate.
We will start classes at 9:00 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. Doors will be open at 8:55 a.m. and locked when classes start (9:10 a.m.) and remain locked until 2:20 p.m. for the safety of the children and staff. If you need to pick up your child before 2:20 p.m., please call the MDO office, and we will have your child ready. All children will be signed in and out of our program. The process will record the time of arrival, signature of parent signing the child in, who will be picking up child, contact number and sign-out signature and time. If someone other than the parent is picking up the child, their name must be on the pick-up release list, and a photo ID must be shown before release of the child to that person.
Please do not bring a sick child to the program. If a child shows any sign of illness, the parent will be contacted in order to keep a well-child environment.
If a child becomes sick during the day they will be placed in the director’s office and made comfortable until the parent can pick up the child. The child is to be picked up within an hour. The child will not be permitted to return until they have been without symptoms or fever for 24 hours.
In case of medical emergency, we will make every effort to follow your directions regarding where to take your child for emergency care. In a 911 emergency, we will follow the protocol of the emergency personnel.
It is very important that we are able to reach you during the school day in case of an emergency involving your child at our facility. Please be sure that your emergency notification form is up-to-date and that you sign in and out completely each day.
A safe and positive environment for your child is important for the safety of your child. While every effort is made to make sure your child is safe and unharmed, occasionally things are going to happen. Discipline will be handled within the classroom. If serious offenses happen, they will be dealt with immediately and appropriately. If your child is hurt, an accident report will be filled out and you will be notified at the end of the day unless it is an emergency.
If we observe a child who is exhibiting a behavior that is inappropriate for the classroom, we will first attempt to correct the behavior by redirecting the child. Many times this alone is enough to correct the behavior that is unacceptable. If this does not work, we will remove the child from the situation and have them sit out of the current activity for a short-period of time. We will always discuss with the child what behavior was unacceptable and try to help them avoid this from happening in the future.
Because we love your child, we what to see them learn proper behavior. However, we cannot allow any child to intimidate or harm the other children in the program. Every child needs to feel safe and secure in class.