The Word Is the Well

By John Richardson


Colossians 3:16–17

[16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. [17] And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Christ’s Word is a well into which one should send a bucket down often. As the Word of Christ lives in a believer it is effective in teaching/encouraging one to worship. All glory goes to God as believers (collectively) meditate on the Word and worship.

  • When believers do not have a steady diet of God’s Word (more than just a 15-minute read), then they should not be surprised at the difficulty of growth and worship. God’s Word is the pathway that leads to continued growth. As the Word dwells (resides—which can’t be accomplished quickly) in a believer (richly) the impact teaches and admonishes (warns) all. The key to understanding the verse is found in the fact that God’s Word not only impacts the individual believer, it goes beyond that to “one another,” showing the corporate impact of God’s Word (v. 16).
  • Song and worship spring forth from joy being found in the Word of God. One could say that the church gathering (assembly) is set on preaching the Word, praying the Word, singing the Word, and displaying the Word (baptism/Lord’s Supper). Coming together to worship is a chance to have the indwelling of the Word to pour forth to God and spill out to your neighbors. When a church is filled with members who rarely engage God’s Word, worship and thanksgiving do not permeate God’s people (v. 16).
  • Paul writes here that every action (words or activity) taken by believers be done in the name of Jesus. One has to ask, “Why do I have to do things in the name of Jesus?” This idea is not a chance to add “in Jesus’ name” to the end of every word or action but to be a gauge to see how one should act and by what means one can act. The driving force of every good word or action is by Christ alone. Not only is Christ the measuring rod of what to do, one can only know what should be done and do those actions by the perfections of Jesus. Jesus gives believers ability to do the things that Christ desires. Therefore, the growth, worship, thanksgiving, and effort of the believer’s life is a result of Christ’s work on the cross. Giving thanks to God for Christ centers on understanding the historical work (death resurrection) and ongoing work (from heaven through the Spirit) (v. 17).


Every believer on the planet needs to be immersed in the Word of God. The seemingly quick method of a daily devotion is not depicted in God’s Word. Believers should set their minds and hearts on God through His Word to the intensity of their thankfulness… it could be possible that it is, thus the “fitting God in” measures the treasure of Christ.

  • Does the Word of Christ dwell in you richly? How will you remove things that crowd out space for God?
  • How often do you think about others’ needs as you approach the Word? Not so much their needs for which you need to pray, but their growth as dependent on your time with the Lord. Believers need one another.
  • How would you rate your worship? Not just singing (though one form of worship) but praise, thanksgiving, glory-giving actions.
  • Do the words and actions in your life spring from the work of Christ or the motivation of your heart?


Ask God to open your eyes to your heart and see where Christ is not Lord. Ask God to remove things from your life that are interfering with your chance to dive into God’s Word; ask that God would give you a passion to go further. Thank God for Christ and the work that He is doing in your life.

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