
The Women's Ministry at Harmony Hill seeks to provide an atmosphere for women to experience discipleship and fellowship through Life Groups, Bible studies, events, and ministry opportunities.

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view our Life Groups

Our Life Groups are a key aspect of our church community. Life Groups encourage us to know God more and obey Him completely through Bible study and meaningful prayer time. Our Life Groups participate in community missions, serve in the church and connect individuals in the church with one another. We have several life groups that are specifically for women, find your place at Harmony Hill in a Life Group.

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enroll in a Bible Study

Our church hosts a number of classes that meet here on campus. These classes are a great opportunity to connect with other church members that you may or may not know while we read and study the Bible. Classes are based on a specific study or area of need in our lives. Come join us as we learn and grow together! Some classes also provide childcare – be sure to check the class details.

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join a Care Group

Participate in a care group. These groups meet together for a particular event or interest. We have activity sessions for individuals and families, men and women. There really is a place for everyone. This is a great way to connect to more people here on the Hill and involve yourself in some of the activities at the church.


Women of Harmony sponsors events throughout the year. These events are planned to offer women the opportunity to meet other women in the church, to provide a place for ladies to invite their unchurched friends, and provide a time to enjoy fellowship with other women. Keep checking back for upcoming events.

Reset Podcast

Reset is a monthly podcast designed to give busy women the opportunity to reset and renew in the midst of their hectic lives.

Ministry Opportunites

Event planning & decorating – Contact Chrissy Smith at [email protected].
Mosaic Center – Call Director Rebecca Reid at (936) 639-5068.
Pregnancy Help Center – Call (936) 632-9292.
Coston Elementary – Contact Missions Pastor Ross Wellman at (936) 632-1350 or [email protected].

Lead a women’s life group – Contact Life Group Pastor or Chrissy Smith.
Host a life group – Contact Life Group Pastor or Chrissy Smith.
Prayer Teams for missions – Contact Missions Pastor Ross Wellman at [email protected].

Women's Ministry Team

Chrissy Smith: Women’s Ministry Director
Email: [email protected]

Have Questions? Contact us!

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