…even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, …
Ephesians 1:4-5
Our Purpose
Mission 145 exists to awaken Harmony Hill to God’s love for the marginalized of our society, specifically children who have no family, caregiver, and no voice. God’s heart for the orphan is revealed to us in the way he worked “our adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ.” By imitating the heart of God, all believers have a part to play in orphan care: some of us foster, some adopt, and some advocate.
Our Mission
The mission of M145 is to maintain a gospel-centered approach as our church body strives for obedience to foster, adopt, and advocate.
Foster care is a temporary arrangement for children whose parents are unable to provide care for them; the goal of foster care is always reunification. Children in foster care live…. Learn more
Although, it is always the primary goal of the Court to reunify children in foster care with their birth parents, there are times this is not possible. If the birth parents… Learn more
M145 Advocacy Teams are a tangible expression of a loving church’s commitment to support foster and adoptive families; this is accomplished most basically by ongoing…. Learn more
Mission 145 is led by experienced foster and adoptive families of Harmony Hill. Under their direction we have compiled various resources to help families on their journey to obey God’s call to love the vulnerable through fostering, adopting, and advocating. This is not an exhaustive list of resources available, rather a starting place for families to explore as they begin or continue their foster/adoption/advocacy story. If you are in need of further resources or have a suggestion please contact us….. Learn more