Sundays 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m.
Wednesdays 6 to 7:30 p.m.
I’m New
We are so excited that you are considering joining us for a Wednesday evening or Sunday morning. Here are some helpful things for you to know about our program before you arrive.
Kids Schedule
8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m.
Children may be dropped off 15 minutes before each service.
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Doors for Children’s Ministry will open at 6pm on Wednesdays.
As a first-time guest you will be asked to fill out the guest sign-in card as you arrive on Sunday or Wednesday. On Wednesday night many parents are in Life Groups so we ask for a cell phone number to reach you in case of emergency.
Each child will receive a guest tag that has a matching number for you to be able to pick them up. No child can be picked up without the matching number. Also if you are needed at any point during the services on Sunday, the number will appear on the screen in the Worship Center, and you will need to report to the Children’s Center.
At Harmony Hill, we hold the safety of our families and our children in the highest regard. Each week, our team follows these guidelines to ensure the protection of all our classrooms, volunteers, and, especially, our children.
- All children are given a name tag with their name, pertinent health information (such as allergies), and a randomly generated code. This code matches the label given to the parent. If any issues should arise with a child, the parent will be paged by a posting of this code on the main service screens.
- The parent label is required for pick up of the child.
- There are two (2) volunteers in every room, and each room is equipped with windows.
- Doors are locked on the outside, and security is provided.
- Bathroom Procedures:
- No male volunteers are allowed to change diapers or take children to restrooms.
- Kindergarten – 5th graders: The volunteer walks the children to the restrooms and waits in the hallway. They must always go with a minimum group of two (2) children.
- Parents who wish to stay in the classroom with their child are allowed to do so but are not allowed to take any child to the restroom or change any diaper.
We use the following procedures in selecting volunteers for any area with children. Each prospective volunteer must:
- Fill out an extensive volunteer application.
- Pass a thorough background check, which includes state and FBI checks.
- Submit two (2) character references.
- Additionally, each prospective volunteer is interviewed.
Parent Pages
We want to equip and walk alongside you as you lead your child in a growing relationship with Jesus. Here you will find weekly lessons and an overview of the truth foundations being taught each week, so that you can follow up at home.
We use the Bible as our primary source of content and believe it is the true word of God. Children are our main focus as we seek to make life experiences through the reading of God’s word. Our teachers have been safe-kids trained, provided written testimonies of their faith and come prepared to share the gospel message. We believe that parents are the primary spiritual leaders and teachers of their children, and we support our parents. We provide take-home information that can be used by parents in the home to further teach and stimulate their children to know Christ.
More HHBC Kids Ministries
Tips for First Time Guest
I've got some questions; who can I talk to?
You may call the church office during regular hours (M-Th 9am-5pm) at 936.632.1350.